• Wed. Oct 23rd, 2024

Stephen Widener

Stephen Widener is an ordained Pastor, Southern Gospel Singer, Musician, and Youth basketball Coach from North Carolina. A fan of Southern Gospel, he has been in and around the industry for several years, as well as having relatives within the industry. Stephen can be found in many places on the web including Facebook and Twitter, but you can reach him personally at snwidener2000@yahoo.com.
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  • A Pastor’s Ponderings: Are church songs scriptural?

A Pastor’s Ponderings: Are church songs scriptural?

I will give D. Ann Bailey a shout out and an assist for this devotion, for posting yesterday what I had been pondering the night before. That had to be…

Pastors Ponderings: Where has the laughter gone?

Proverbs 17:22Â “AÂ merry heart does good like a medicine.” I’m glad to share with you in this edition of Pastors Ponderings. I’ve been noticing that there isn’t enough laughter…

What Job Didn’t Lose By Stephen Widener

This devotion is based on Job and what he didn’t lose. I’ll use Job 2:9 as a reference verse where Job’s wife tells him “to curse God and die.” Those…

A Pastor’s Ponderings : Autocorrect vs Forgiveness

Let’s think about this, just for a moment: everything we put on the internet is there forever, isn’t it? Yes. Now, what we do on earth is recorded in Heaven.…

A Pastor’s Ponderings: Tearing Down or Building Up?

The devotion I take is from Gal. 6:2, “Bear one another’s burdens, and fulfill the law of Christ.” (my paraphrase) I think it weighs on me when I see or…

Too Busy For Christmas?

A Pastor’s Ponderings by Stephen Widener I have been so busy lately, I really haven’t had time to even think straight. I have been working at passing the state insurance…

A Pastor’s Ponderings

Surprises…or things that we may not be ready for 1 Samuel 17 Most of us know the story of David and Goliath, the story of a young teenage boy who…

A Pastor’s Ponderings

In Rev. 3:16, Jesus is speaking to the Laodicean church and He says, “Because you are lukewarm, I will spew you out of my mouth.” (my paraphrase) I was reading…

A Pastor’s Ponderings

Church signs. We see them on churches on the sides of streets and roads everywhere I travel. I remember when Tony Greene would travel, he would see one that would…

Pastor’s Ponderings

I’m taking this from Hebrews 13:5-6:“Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, ‘Never will I leave you;…