• Fri. Jan 24th, 2025
Stephen Widener. Pastors PonderingsStephen Widener

church sign oneChurch signs. We see them on churches on the sides of streets and roads everywhere I travel. I remember when Tony Greene would travel, he would see one that would catch his eye and he would write it down in a book and save it. Later, he would read some of the funniest ones out on stage. Some were so funny that when he saw them while driving, he would have to pull over off the road from laughing so hard.

I have two books of church signs and sayings myself, not personally written, but ones I hope to someday share with others. The books contain some of the best ones I’ve come across, plus some have been handed down and passed along to me.church sign two

So as it says in Acts 13:15: …” if you have any word of exhortation, say on.”



That’s what my immediate plan is to do. The signs (with apologizes to comedian Bill Engvall and not to be confused with his ‘Here’s your sign’ gimmick) I see I will post upon my Twitter page @StephenWidener and sometimes on my facebook church signs threehttps://www.facebook.com/stephen.widener .


Please follow me on both pages if you want to see them.



Stephen Widener


Questions? Comments? Please email Stephen at snwidener2000@yahoo.com

Stephen Widener
Stephen Widener

By Stephen Widener

Stephen Widener is an ordained Pastor, Southern Gospel Singer, Musician, and Youth basketball Coach from North Carolina. A fan of Southern Gospel, he has been in and around the industry for several years, as well as having relatives within the industry. Stephen can be found in many places on the web including Facebook and Twitter, but you can reach him personally at snwidener2000@yahoo.com.