• Sat. Feb 8th, 2025


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Meet A Gospel Music DJ: Brandon Bearden of SOGR Radio

Brandon Bearden of SOGR Radio was the first to tell us his story when we asked the DJs from our Gospel charting stations to share a bit of their lives.…


By Robert York With a choir of over a hundred people, the Red Back Church Hymnal Singing returned to the Church for the sixth year. The audience was streaming in…

A Pastor’s Ponderings

In Rev. 3:16, Jesus is speaking to the Laodicean church and He says, “Because you are lukewarm, I will spew you out of my mouth.” (my paraphrase) I was reading…

Guest Blog – Empty Promises

By John Lanier Advertisements we hear and see every day tell us we can be rich, healthy, happy, famous, and even sexy if we buy certain products. We’re all familiar…

Spotlight on The Dysart Family

Southern Gospel fans find family groups irresistible. There is just no topping that special family harmony, camaraderie and love that floods the auditorium when a family group steps onstage. The…

Pikes’ Point – The Beatitudes

Be sure to look back to the earlier devotional to catch up if you are a new addition. We’re in Matthew Chapter 5, studying the Beatitudes. Seeing the crowds, he…

Reality Check – God Allows

Who do you pray for? Do you have a written list like I do or can you just remember everyone off the top of your head? I have two lists,…

A Pastor’s Ponderings – Challenges

This month I have chosen to do a devotion on challenges, taken from 2 Chronicles 20: 13-30 (NKJV, selected verses): “…Thus says the Lord to you: ‘Do not be afraid…

Pike’s Point

Be sure to look back to the earlier devotional to catch up if you are a new addition. Seeing the crowds, he went up on the mountain, and when he…

We Hurt Too

All of us hurt and as Christians, we know we all must suffer because Jesus said so. In John 16:33, He said, (my paraphase) “In this world you will have…