• Wed. Oct 23rd, 2024
Stephen Widener

michael-englishAll of us hurt and as Christians, we know we all must suffer because Jesus said so. In John 16:33, He said, (my paraphase) “In this world you will have tribulation, but be of good cheer; I have already overcome the world.”

Michael English recently made a statement on Twitter, to the effect that: “I guess I should always say I’m happy.” I don’t know what Michael had been going through, but Jesus does. No one knows all the pain that I had this week and have been suffering on the inside and how badly I hurt, but Jesus does.

Whether you preach, sing, teach, write or somehow have to stand in front of people day and night, please understand that we are all human. We try to lift up Jesus Christ in word and song and in our lives every day, not just two hours a night or day. Sometimes it gets hard to get in front of a group of people when you don’t feel like it, but He gives us more grace. Sometimes we don’t know the right words to say, but the Spirit gives the words to us. We don’t have the strength to get up and face another day, but He gives us His strength. We can’t sleep well at night, but He gives us His peace.

In Mark’s gospel, chapter 6:45-52, Jesus told the disciples to get into a boat to go over to the other side while He went up on a mountain to pray. To show the providence of God, let me say that Jesus already knew the storm would be coming, but if you will go back and read His word, He said, “Go to the other side.” You see, He promised a safe landing. He didn’t say there was a storm coming, for if they knew of it, they might have not gotten on the boat. If they knew how bad the storm would be, they might have steered clear of it. The storms and trials we go through, I believe, are for a reason. 

How did Andrae Crouch put it in ‘Through It All’? “If I never had a problem, I’d never know that God could solve them. I’d never know what faith in God could do.” Thank you for a great song, sir! 51GAWGlQjPL._SL500_AA280_

Sometime this week, find a recording of someone singing Through It All, and listen first, listen closely, and take in those wonderful words. Then sing it from your heart. You don’t have to sing like Michael English, but just whisper it if you need to, “Through It All, Through It All, I’ve learned to trust in Jesus. I’ve learned to trust in God…”

I want to thank Michael English for being candid. And opening his heart.


God bless

Stephen Widener


Questions? Comments? Write to Stephen Widener at snwidener2000@yahoo.com


Stephen Widener
Stephen Widener


By Stephen Widener

Stephen Widener is an ordained Pastor, Southern Gospel Singer, Musician, and Youth basketball Coach from North Carolina. A fan of Southern Gospel, he has been in and around the industry for several years, as well as having relatives within the industry. Stephen can be found in many places on the web including Facebook and Twitter, but you can reach him personally at snwidener2000@yahoo.com.