• Wed. Oct 23rd, 2024

Celebrating Mother’s Day: Not Always the Easiest Time of the Year

By Steve Boctor—Husband, Father, Author & Pastor

lilyMother’s Day can be an absolutely wonderful day of celebration.  I can picture the children and their dad tip toeing to the kitchen early in the morning quietly making breakfast for their mother.  They set the plate of food, a hot cup of coffee, her favourite flower and a card on the tray and bring it all up to her while she’s still in bed. What a special moment of love and appreciation for such a deserving mother.


However, Mother’s Day can also be very difficult for some women as it can conjure up many feelings of sadness and pain.

-        Some are hurting because the mother you love deeply passed away some time ago.

-        Others are wrestling with the reality that your mother has been diagnosed with a terminal illness and cherishing every moment you have with her is bitter sweet.

-        Some have longed to be a mother for so long; but the medical reports have crushed those dreams.

-        Some of you may even be grieving, or angry, because you never really had a good mother in your life and were left to raise yourself.

-        Some mothers are feeling the tremendous burden of a child (or children) that has not only left home, but is living an unhealthy lifestyle.

-        Some are even dreaming of how old your child would be today if they weren’t taken from you so prematurely.

On such a day as this, no matter how good or difficult it may be, I believe there is one thing worth remembering:  God created each of you with unique qualities that are worth honouring and celebrating.  The Apostle Paul wrote; “Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—THINK ABOUT (ie FOCUS on) such things.” (Philippians 4:8)

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Therefore, let us focus on the lovely, admirable and noble qualities of a woman as revealed in Proverbs 31.

1)     “Her husband has full confidence in her.” (v11)  In other words, women are TRUSTWORTHY. You can trust her to accomplish the responsibilities that are on her plate.  Not only will she get things done, they will be done well.  For husbands and families this reduces stress and worry.  I’m convinced that mothers can read our minds.  Consider the times you were looking for that favourite shirt or outfit you just had to wear that day.  “Coincidentally” she happened to have washed it the day before.

2)     “She works with eager hands…and extends her hands to the needy.” (v13, 20)  Women WORK HARD because they CARE.  Whether she is a stay-at-home mom or a career woman…her focus is always on her family’s needs first before her own. She is unselfish, caring, and loving.  This compassionate heart drives her to often push beyond her limits to serve her family and the needs of others.  Somehow, after taking care of everyone else, she finds the time to care of herself.   Maybe, we should remember to serve our mothers more often than once a year.

3)     “She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come.” (v25) Women are PREPARED.  Consider the fact that there is always food in the fridge and pantry; clean clothes in our drawers and closets; or enough bandages and cough medications.  A mother ensures that her family is never without the necessities of life.

4)     “Her husband is respected.” (v23) A wife makes her husband look good.  She raises the bar of RESPECT for the reputation of the family name.  My wife is my greatest encourager and the best critic in my life.  A man sometimes hates being “criticized” by his wife.  But, listen carefully to what she is saying and why.  She is trying to make you a better man.  She’s trying to help you look good in the eyes of others and be the best you can be.  However, just one small warning to the wives: remember that there is a fine line between constructive criticism and nagging—one builds up the other tears down.

5)     “She speaks with wisdom and faithful instruction is on her tongue.” (v26)  A woman is a WISE TEACHER.  Women think differently than men, bring a different perspective to a situation, and have different experiences than a man.  Therefore, it would be wise of us to listen to them for they are our partners in life and in the raising of our children.

Ladies, please be encouraged today and every day for you’ve been created by a loving God with unique qualities that are worth honouring and celebrating. Continue revealing these great qualities because your family and this world need you to shine.  Let us all remember to celebrate the amazing women in our lives not only today but every day. Honour them and love them as they deserve.

Happy Mother’s Day!

Steve Boctor




Throughout 2013, SGMRadio is posting guest blogs from Christian writers across the nation and across the world. Some of these writers are pastors, some are singers, some are philosophers. We hope that you embrace each one as they give a part of themselves to our world.

For this blog, SGMRadio hopes you will welcome with us, guest blogger Steve Boctor, Pastor of Huron Park Baptist Church in Woodstock, Ontario who has an encouraging word for any who find Mother’s Day a difficult time. We hope you take the time to read Steve’s blog and let the love of Christ enfold you. Please access Steve’s website at http://www.steveboctor.com/ and don’t forget to leave him a note to thank him for his contribution to SGMRadio and our world. You can also find Steve on FaceBook at https://www.facebook.com/SteveBoctorABCsofParenting


Steve Boctor’s Biography

Steve Boctor
Steve Boctor

Fun-loving and passionate, with a zest for life and love for his Lord and family would be a good way to describe Steve.  As a pastor, author and dynamic speaker, he believes in challenging people to reach their fullest potential in Christ. Steve is currently the Lead Pastor at Huron Park Baptist Church in Woodstock, Ontario.  Steve recently published a book on parenting called “ABC’s of Parenting: 26 Practical Lessons for Building a Healthy & Happy Home” an easy-to-read, biblically based and highly practical book that will help you raise a strong, healthy and godly family.

There are a few other things you should know about Steve:

  • Steve has been married to Michelle for over 14 years
    • He has two great kids: Katelyn and Nathan
    • Plays a mean game of Wii with his family (but no one is keeping score)
    • Managed to gain a reputation at his church for loving chocolate – and eating it!
  • You might find him on the green in the summer playing either golf or looking for some sand to play beach volleyball
    • Has a degree in economics from York University
    • Has a Masters of Divinity from Tyndale Seminary

By SGM Radio

SGM Radio is southern gospel music's #1 internet radio station. Every month, we feature the voices of dynamic writers on a variety of Christian worldview topics. Every day, we play the best and brightest in southern gospel at www.sgmradio.com