• Wed. Oct 23rd, 2024

Elaine Peacock was a lady who seemed to have it all. A wife, mother, grandmother; Elaine had a loving family and a good job with the city. She had a love of music of all genres, from stage musicals to church ministry. Her resume included square dance caller, radio announcer and concert promoter. However, all of this was not enough, because Elaine had a dream. In 2003, she began to pursue that dream.

“In 2003, on a step of faith, I quit a full-time job to pursue a lifelong dream of singing and starting a music career,” Peacock shares in her official biography. “After much prayer and with the encouragement and support of my husband, Paul, family, and good friends, I stepped out and trusted God, not knowing what might be in store. I had faith that things would work out, and of course I could always go back to work if necessary!   It was important to me that at the end of my life not to regret having never tried.  It was an exciting decision, however, it was not an easy one, but one made with much prayer and trust in God for His will in life.”

Elaine Peacock discovered that it’s not easy to decide to chase a dream when you have an established career and many responsibilities. She tells SGM Radio, “Most e veryone in my life was very supportive of my decision. They knew I wanted to do this some day and they believed in me, so it was a great comfort to have them understand.  My husband, Paul, is truly the wind beneath my wings and I am very blessed to have him in my life!”

“I am sure there were some who thought I was a little crazy. Someone said, ‘what are you thinking? No one quits a good job!’ I answered with confidence and a smile, ‘Well, I did quit and I know it’s what I need to do right now in my life: Trust in God and pursue my dream!”

Peacock continues, “I did not doubt myself and felt at peace with my decision. In the past, I worried about what other people thought. I feared what they said and pleasing them was more important than what I wanted. This kept me from being myself and almost losing who I was and who God meant for me to be.  This time it did not matter for I knew in my heart that God was in this decision and I had the faith that it would be okay.”

 Elaine Peacock released a CD in 2003 entitled Country Rose Praise. She also began praying for an investor and a songwriter to come alongside her career. Two years later, Dennis Morgan, a country/gospel songwriter from Nashville, heard a song by Peacock and contacted her. In fall of 2005, Peacock released Smiling Down, a CD of original songs by Dennis Morgan. It was two years of waiting for the fulfillment of a dream and Peacock admits her hope wavered from time to time.

“During that time, I was busy singing and recording a Patsy Cline Country/Gospel CD so my focus was on what I was doing while I prayed for a songwriter,” Peacock says. “There were several times that I felt like quitting and wondering what it was that God wanted for me.  When the jobs were not there and the bills came in, I thought maybe I should go back to work.  I know that I would not be happy sitting behind a desk again so I continued to trust in God for His good plan, remembering that He would not let me fall.”

Peacock had her support system to keep her going. “My close friends would not let me quit. They saw more than I did how my ministry and songs were touching others. They encouraged me to continue practicing and get well. For several winters, I would contract a cold and get run down, and it was during those times that I felt like quitting and giving up hope. I would get a call or note from someone who appreciated my music and thanked me for how I touched their life or I would run across Jeremiah 29:11 either on a billboard, radio station, something that I happened to be reading, or the Bible would open to it.”

The Lord reminded Peacock through Jeremiah that He had plans for her that were good. She began to see the fulfillment of these plans when she received a phone call from Nashville.

“When Dennis Morgan called me on Good Friday afternoon of 2005, I was so elated,” shares Peacock. “I called him on Monday, sent my information on Tuesday, and then proceeded to see who he was. When I looked up his web page, I could hardly sleep that night to think that he actually called me! Here was a major songwriter wanting to work with me. My hard work that spring had paid off and I was ready for the opportunity when it came, although still feeling inadequate to the task.”

Peacock continues, “We recorded and released a gospel album of his songs, Smiling Down, a CD that is really my heart poured out to the Lord.  After getting it back in its finished version, I was absolutely amazed and found that I really like to record.  I was also amazed that Dennis wanted to do more CDs with me.

 “After six years of trusting and seeing how the Lord is working in my life, I know that His timing is perfect, He truly has the big plan in mind and I trust him,” Peacock states. “When things don’t work out the way I think they should, or when I have weeks without a gig, I know that He has something in mind for me to do. I need to just wait on Him for the next step.  He has not let me down and is walking with me.” To date we have recorded five CDs which have given me gospel music, Christmas and Patriotic music, and a children’s program with songs of my own to sing, just like I had prayed for. [Morgan] has helped me immensely to grow, and be even better.”

The road to her dream has not been easy for Peacock. “In 2007, the band that I was working with got jobs with others and my plans for the summer and doors began to close. My career did not work out the way I thought it should, I really wondered if what I was doing was again what He wanted for me.  That summer, my son was injured in Iraq and another son and family moved in with us, I learned that God had other plans for me.”

“It was a lesson to me that God always knows best and I have learned to trust Him,” Peacock shares. “He knows the future, will always love and walk with me and His outcome is the best.  He goes ahead and makes the crooked places straight and I have no time in my life now to worry. No matter what, He always brings good things out of everything that happens in life.  It is nice to look for the good things and know that He holds my future, which is a future full of hope.”

Currently, Elaine has a full schedule and plans to record another children’s album and gospel CD. She was recently inducted into the Old Time Country Music Hall of Fame of the National Traditional Country Music Association. Peacock is doing what she loves and thanking the Lord who enabled her to follow her vision. She has advice for those who have a dream that lies dormant in their heart. “God gives us each a special unique gift, talent and dream that only He has given to us to make a difference in the world for Him,” states Peacock. “He will not let you down when you set out to pursue that dream. Work hard to cultivate the gift that God has given you.”

“There are many ways that we can use the gift He gives us,” Peacock continues. “I sang all my life, in church, high school and then to my children and grandchildren. I cantored and lead the music in church.  He led me for ten years to be a part of a music ministry group for a healing mass.  I learned to teach, which fulfilled my dream of being a teacher. I called square dancing, which prepared me to have fun, forget myself and entertain people. I took voice lessons when I could. I sang whenever I could, including nursing homes, weddings, funerals, and karaoke. The Lord prepares us in life to fulfill the plan that He has for us. Sometimes it is early in life but other times, like me, I was to wait until later in life when my children were grown.”

Peacock’s life proves that pursuing the dream that God has placed in your life is not always easy, but very rewarding. “Everything in my life prepared me for the next job.  Looking back, this gave me life experience to be able to step out in faith in His perfect time and to see the blessings that He has given me and to share them with others.  Life is not always easy but He is always faithful and is with us always.  Spend time with Him, ask Him for His will for you, trust in Him, be patient for His perfect timing for your dream and the dream He has in mind for you.  He is with you and will lead the way.  Don’t look back. Look up and press on to the prize, which is Jesus Christ and Heaven, one day at a time.”
For more information on Elaine Peacock, see http://www.elainepeacock.com


First Published January 2010 on www.sgmradio.com



By Lorraine Walker

Raised in southern Ontario, Canada, Lorraine developed a love for music at an early age and enjoys listening to a variety of Christian, Country, Pop and R&B music. A love for writing and a need to share the love of Jesus through her thoughts have come together with an enjoyment of Southern Gospel, enabling her to contribute to SGM Radio website, SGN Scoops Digital, and the Southern Styles Show. Lorraine tweets at http://twitter.com/SGMRadioLorrain and blogs at http://sgmradio.blogspot.com/ and can also be found on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/walker.lorraine