• Wed. Oct 23rd, 2024

A number of years ago as I was walking through a Christian book store I noticed some key chains off to the side of the main counter.

One that caught my attention said: “Perfection is the mark for which a champion strives.”

I bought that key chain and have kept it for what it conveys is true, but it does need to be understood in a broader context within the faith.

We would all like to be perfect in everything we do…be the perfect parent, spouse, family member, team player, co-worker, believer, friend, etc.

However, despite all our best efforts, we often are reminded that we have not yet reached perfection in almost all areas of our lives and how we handle that knowledge can have a great impact on how we engage our daily lives and the people with whom we come in contact.

According to the scriptures, only Jesus lived the perfect life, the rest of us can only stand in awe of such a sinless, mistake-free existence.

Yet what is even more incredible is that this same perfect God/man is very interested in having a personal relationship with all of his human creation!

Romans 5:8 says: “That God demonstrated his own love for us in this that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”

Wow-while you and I and all humanity were still in a state of imperfection, the perfect God offered his life for us!

He didn’t wait until we had everything just right before offering himself for us for if he did, he would still be waiting and would forever.

Nope-he took the initiative to establish the relationship and still does every day understanding our human limitations and our less than perfect state of existence.

Knowing this to be true, that means I too in my daily relationships with others also need to be accepting of their imperfections as God is of mine.

More compassion for those who try my patience, less judgemental of those who don’t live up to my ideals of what I think they should be, more understanding of those who opinions may clash with my own, etc.

It is said of the late Ruth Graham, wife of famed evangelist Billy Graham that her headstone reads:          “End of construction-thank you for your patience!”

Yes, “under construction” is the earthly lot of all of us imperfect beings….let us continue to engage our fellow man within the same context as we journey toward our final destiny!

By VictorCyr

Victor works as Director For Community Services with Mission Services Hamilton in Hamilton, Ontario. He is a former pastor/officer working for The Salvation Army from 1987-2010. He enjoys creative writing, workouts at the gym and being a dad to his two adult children.