• Mon. Jan 20th, 2025

flowers and stones closeHere in our city are a number of beautiful historical buildings that are falling into decay due to unavailable funding to maintain their upkeep and splendour.

One exception has been a prominent downtown building called the “Lister Block” that has recently undergone extensive renovations and will soon be officially re-opened to serve the people of our area.

For years this building sat in disrepair and decay until some influential people were able to cobble together an agreement to restore this structural jewel back to its’ original glory.

“Restoration, “healing”,” newness” and ”hope” are all words that speak to the needs of the yearning human heart as well.

Along our journey of life sometimes things and people get broken, damaged and wounded due to the way our world is structured, leaving many in perpetual pain and seeking answers to their plight.

It is in time like those when the hurting soul will often look past one’s physical senses and peer upward seeking the hand of God, or they reach out to others to help them in their time of need.

The beautiful story of Easter as well is God being there for those He loved, for those in need and to make His presence real in the lives of those who look to Him for help from day to day.

joans sunrise threeThe Apostle John in John 15:13 said, “Greater love has no one than this that one lay down his life for a friend.”

That in a nutshell is the message of the Cross of Jesus Christ – that God Himself, came into our world in human form and offered His own life in order to save all who will believe in Him. Not only does he want to be our Savior, but also our helper and friend.

However, from His death on the cross on that first Good Friday, He then took this amazing sacrifice a step further by overcoming death itself by rising up from the dead on the third day, reassuring all that hope can always exist even in the midst of life’s most difficult and trying circumstances.

As you read this article today, you may be one of those who are going through some kind of trial right now.

If so, look up and know that the One who created you, loves you and has conquered all so that each may have an enduring hope that will last long past all the storms of time!

“Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy has brought us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus from the dead.” 1 Peter 1:3-4


By Victor Cyr

Victor Cyr
Victor Cyr

By VictorCyr

Victor works as Director For Community Services with Mission Services Hamilton in Hamilton, Ontario. He is a former pastor/officer working for The Salvation Army from 1987-2010. He enjoys creative writing, workouts at the gym and being a dad to his two adult children.