It is often said that Christmas is for children and for those of us who have young ones or who are connected to them through other family members, we know how exciting it is for them on that morning of wonders as they rise up and eagerly check out what is there for them under the tree.
Can you imagine however what it would be like as a parent or caregiver not to be able to provide something to your loved ones on any Christmas morning? Some families unfortunately find themselves in that very difficult situation at times in their lives, but how good it is to know there are different agencies in most cities and towns across this continent that are more than willing to help out when times get tough.
Here in the agency that I work at, every Christmas season finds us scurrying like mad as we endeavor to assist others with much needed food and toys, but we are only one of many organizations in this city that are working to make a difference in people’s lives at this special time of the year.
One single mom with three teens who linked up with us last year through our Christmas outreach campaign, was so overjoyed in receiving gifts for her children that she found herself in tears trying to thank our Coordinator for what she had received.
She said, “This is the first time that it really felt like Christmas in our house!†One can imagine how many previous difficult ones they had encountered prior to this one where she felt so blessed to be on the receiving end of someone else’s generosity and compassion for her children.
The God we serve is also one of incredible generosity and compassion, Who reaches out in limitless love to all His human creation whether they acknowledge His existence or not.
The scriptures faithfully testify to us that, “when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth His Son..†(Galatians 4:4).
Yes, what perfect timing on God’s part that He Himself, through His son Jesus made His quiet entry into our world on that first Christmas morning. The world has never been the same since, as the story of Jesus’ birth, life, death and resurrection has impacted history like no other figure before or after Him.
The greatest gift mankind ever received came in the form of a vulnerable baby Boy wrapped in swaddling clothes, much to the joy of His parents and some shepherd men who witnessed His coming to us.
It is in that same spirit of giving joy and happiness to others that I encourage you who are part of the SGMRadio website to get involve somewhere this Christmas in your own community and be the hands and voice of Christ to those who are hurting among you.
Share the goodness of God’s love with your time, talents and/or treasures and bring a smile to someone’s face this holiday season….God bless you and Merry Christmas!
By Victor Cyr

First Published by SGM Radio December 2013
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