• Tue. Oct 22nd, 2024

The Littles

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  • Randall Reviews It: Mark Bishop, The Littles and the Troy Burns Family

Randall Reviews It: Mark Bishop, The Littles and the Troy Burns Family

I have three new CDs I have reviewed – the Littles, Mark Bishop and the Troy Burns Family. As always, if you enjoy my reviews, get this music wherever you…

Christmas Dreams – Rebecca Little Burke’s First Solo CD

Monroe, NC – The Littles are pleased to announce that Rebecca’s first solo project Christmas Dreams is now available. This CD is a wonderful combination of inspiring songs celebrating the…

The Littles

There are many venues that represent success in Gospel music, but few are as respected as the Main Stage at the National Quartet Convention (NQC). The artists that perform on…

Young Gospel’s Fast Five Facts With Rebecca Little

Rebecca Little is the lead vocalist for The Littles out of Monroe, North Carolina. At 23 years old, her passion is living a life for the Lord, serving Him and…

Guest Blog: Running The Race

By Rebecca Little “Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares…