• Thu. Jan 23rd, 2025

Randall Reviews It: Tribute Quartet, Here For You

Tribute Quartet Here For YouTribute Quartet Here For You
Tribute Quartet Here For You
Tribute Quartet Here For You

Tribute Quartet
Here For You
Producer: Wayne Haun

Daywind Records

Songs: Here For You (Wayne Haun – Joel Lindsey BMI); Never Forsaken (Wayne Haun – Joel Lindsey BMI); Somebody Sing Me That Song (Lee Black – Sue C. Smith BMI); When The Prodigal Comes Home (Lee Black BMI); Meeting In The Middle Of The Air (Lee Black BMI); God of The Storms (Gerald Crabb – Savana Foust ASCAP); Everybody Come see Jesus (Gina Boe – Marcia Henry – Donna King – Sue C. Smith – Dianne Wilkinson ASCAP); That’s How I Know (Sonya Isaacs Yeary – Rebecca Isaacs Bowman BMI); Grace At It’s Best (Gary Casto-Barbara Huffman BMI); Jesus Saves (Connie Hopper – Geron Davis BMI); Nothing Stops The Savior’s Love (Daniel Crews – Dan Koch – Elaine Hoffman – John Stockton BMI)

Since 2006, Tribute Quartet has been together and never have they recorded a finer CD than their latest, Here For You. Original members, Gary Casto, lead, and Josh Singletary, baritone, along with newer members Riley Clark, tenor, and Anthony Davis singing bass have crafted a CD that pleases even the most finicky Southern Gospel enthusiast.


There is something for everyone on this CD and their current radio single “Never Forsaken” debuted at #57  for the December chart. Written by Wayne Haun and Joel Lindsey, this infectious song stays with you all day long. He’s always with us and we are “Never Forsaken,” even when alone.


The CD starts off with a great song for AM-Drive; upbeat and a great message to start the day, ”Here For You,” and He is! Then follows the single “Never Forsaken” and “Somebody Sing Me That Song.” Josh Singletary is featured on “Somebody,” and is the highlight song of the CD. Josh goes into big band mode along with the group. Lush and beautiful, this song should is my pick for the second single. Did I mention Anthony Davis and his smooth dass on this cut?


“When The Prodigal Comes Home,” is another song by Lee Black who has written a number of songs this year that you’re hearing on the radio. Remember friends, there is no condemnation when you come back to the fold, ever.


“Meeting In The Middle Of The Air,” is song that will have you humming along and making you remember when you first met Jesus and remembering there will never be a meeting like that one in the air! The “God of The Storms,” and “Everybody Come See Jesus,” are great cuts as well.


“That’s How I Know,” features their great bass Anthony Davis and is a hand clapper and finger snapper, and once you hear it you will be singing the chorus the rest of the day. “Grace At It’s Best,” “Jesus Saves,” and “Nothing Stops The Savior’s Love” close out the CD.
Overall this is the best CD Tribute has recorded. All group members shine through and the arrangement and production by Wayne Haun is top notch. Get your copy here or get a copy where ever you get your good Gospel music.

Strongest Songs : “Never Forsaken,” “Somebody Sing Me That Song,” and “Meeting In The Middle of The Air.”

Be sure to pick up a copy of this CD wherever you get your good Gospel music.

Randall Hamm
Please send your latest releases for review to Randall Hamm, c/o Q-100 WFLQ-FM, P.O. Box 100, French Lick, IN 47432.

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By SGM Radio

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