• Wed. Oct 23rd, 2024

sunrise“Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another-and all the more as you see the Day approaching.” Hebrews 10:25

From the date I am writing this article it is exactly four weeks until Easter Sunday, when Christians all around the world will celebrate Jesus’ resurrection from the dead nearly 2,000 years ago.

Though Jesus had given different hints to his disciples and others about this pending, stupendous event, none of them really connected the dots until after the fact.

I can only imagine what it must have been like for the disciples to see their Master return from the dead, or to be one of the 500 people who the Apostle Paul talked about in 1 Corinthians 15:6 who also saw Jesus in His resurrected glory.

Anyone can say they are dying for the sins of the world, but only one person can back it up by proving His power over sin and death by rising up from death itself, to show the whole world the sacrifice was what He said it was, for all time.

I just recently returned home to Ontario from my birth province of Nova Scotia as I with my other family members gathered to bury my mother who passed on recently into the next world.

We were so thankful to God for giving her 90 years of life and though the occasion was tinged with sadness, it was also a great time to celebrate a life long-lived and well lived!

One of the great reasons we could celebrate this event was not only the wonderful age she reached, but also the fact that my mother was a lifelong believer in Jesus Christ. I know without a doubt she is at home with Him right now.

Her big day has now come, one she had been preparing for all her life. She would often remind my siblings and me that this life here on earth is only temporary and that what awaits us is eternal.

We will all experience memorable days in our lives here in this world when certain occasions both good and bad arise, but nothing can compare to the big day when we must all meet God whether He returns to earth first, or we go meet Him through the process of death.

Jesus talked in Matthew chapter 25 about certain individuals who were not prepared when the bridegroom appeared and so it stands as a reminder to us all that in the busyness of life let’s not lose focus on the things that really matter.

What big day are you preparing for right now on your personal calendar?

Make sure ‘eternity” is one of them because it is surely coming!

“…surely I am coming quickly. So let it be….yes, come Lord Jesus!” Rev. 22:20



Victor Cyr
Victor Cyr

By VictorCyr

Victor works as Director For Community Services with Mission Services Hamilton in Hamilton, Ontario. He is a former pastor/officer working for The Salvation Army from 1987-2010. He enjoys creative writing, workouts at the gym and being a dad to his two adult children.