• Wed. Oct 23rd, 2024
The Nelons

It is good to give thanks at any time of year, but when November comes around, it is a good excuse to stop and give thanks to God. We stop for a day to remember our veterans and those who have died, giving thanks for their sacrifice and for our freedom. We also stop for a day, and perhaps a weekend, to gather with family and friends and to be thankful for everything our Lord has given to us, as well as the great sacrifice He made on Calvary.

Our Southern Gospel friends across the country recently paused for a moment in their busy lives to tell us what they were most thankful for this Thanksgiving Day 2012.

Soloist Larry Davis from Newton, Mississippi: “I am thankful for the talent the Lord has blessed me with. I get to sing and write and am able to live my dream everyday. I am thankful I am saved and also thankful for my daughter Stacey and my wife, Sonda.” http://www.larrydavis.org/

Gary Casto of Tribute

Gary Casto, lead singer and manager of Tribute Quartet: “I am so thankful that the Lord has placed a calling upon my life and has given me a platform to minister on each week through Southern Gospel Music. Also, I’m thankful for my family, friends and fans for their love and support on this journey of life that the Lord has placed me on.” http://www.tributequartet.com/


Sonya Browder of The Browders: “Wow, how do you pick one thing to be thankful for?The list just goes on and on! I’ve been meditating lately on the mercy of God. There are days when my humanness sticks out more than I’d care to admit! It’s in those times when I am frustrated with myself that I go to the Father and find mercy once again. Even when I’m tired of myself, He never tires of me, because His mercy endures forever! For that, I am thankful.”http://www.thebrowders.com/

Nick Trammell of The Mark Trammell Quartet

Nick Trammell of The Mark Trammell Quartet: “I have a lot to be thankful for. God has blessed me and my family far beyond what we deserve. Jessica and I brought home our first child on June 21, a beautiful baby girl named Tessa Nichole. I was also privileged to get to join Dad on stage after 28 years of watching him from the audience. I’m thankful for my beautiful wife, my family, my friends, and all the people who support us in our ministry. We wouldn’t be able to do what we do without them.” http://www.marktrammellministries.com/ Soloist

Sharron Kay King Driver of Macon, Georgia: “I guess to sum it up would be this scripture: ‘I sought the Lord, and He heard me, and delivered me from all my fears. Psalm 34:4.’ I’m ever so thankful that no matter where I am or what I’m faced with all I have to do is call out His name and He hears me and always delivers me from my fears!” http://www.sharronkayking.com/

Bryan Hutson, lead singer of Soul’d Out Quartet: “We are thankful for family and God’s protection on us and our four children during 2012. We have traveled a lot of miles commuting to the bus, to school and getting to and from our jobs. God is so good and we are expecting even greater things in 2013!” http://www.souldoutquartet.com/home.cfm

Bryan and Yvonne Hutson

Evie Hawkins of EHA-Nashville: “This has been one of the most trying years of my life. Many personal changes have come about, but the Lord has stood faithfully by my side. I am so thankful for my family, church family, good health, and great artists who allow me to work for them! But I really have been dwelling on this fact lately: No matter where life leads me and what problems I face, I am so thankful He never changes. This is the one comforting constant in my life: the Lord never leaves my side. If I step away from Him like a toddler slips away from a parent, I may get hurt, because I’ve just hurt myself. Thankfully, He loves unconditionally, like I do my children. I’m thankful God put a spiritual leader in my life when I was a child. My mother taught me these things and so did my pastor, Rev. Melvin Brown. I wouldn’t trade all the riches of earth for these two people!” http://www.eha-nashville.com/

Donna King of Vertical Sky

Donna King of Vertical Sky and Flight Studio: “It’s hard to keep my words to a minimum in general, but especially when attempting to express my gratitude for this year, 2012! But, in an attempt to at least scratch the service, I thank God first, for His presence in my life, and that He blessed me in ways that could only be His Ways! I realize more everyday just how much higher His ways are than mine. I am overwhelmingly thankful for my new marriage and my amazing husband, with whom I share a love I never thought possible. Zane King is such an incredible gift. He brings me joy on a daily basis, he shares in my dreams (which are our dreams). He’s even funny! A lot of people don’t know that! I am also thankful, beyond words, for the ways in which God provided rescue, this year, in situations that were very, very difficult. We faced some huge challenges in 2012, and God not only walked through them with us, He also made a way where there seemed to be no way, and He brought amazing deliverance. If I could explain all the details, I would, but suffice to say, God heals, God restores, God delivers! 2012, an extraordinary year of thankfulness for me!” http://www.verticalskyonline.com/  and http://www.facebook.com/FlightStudioNashville?filter=3

Amber Nelon Thompson of the Nelons: “I am thankful for my family and friends! If not for them I don’t know where I’d be today. I’m also thankful for the gift of singing. I never will be one of those people who dread going to work because I absolutely love what I do. But mostly I’m thankful for salvation. It is an amazing feeling to know that I have a God who loves and cares about me and who died so that I could live and one day be with Him and my loved ones who have already gone! He also gives new mercies and grace every day so when I mess up He still loves me and forgives me! His love amazes me!” http://www.thenelons.com/home.cf

The Nelons

Soloist Allen Hester, Seoul, South Korea: “I am thankful for God allowing me to serve Him. I am thankful to be in the ministry. I am thankful that I get to see lives change. I am thankful for the Korean students that God has given me to disciple.” http://www.facebook.com/allenhester

Johnathan Bond of Young Harmony: “I’m thankful that even in the valley, God’s still God!” http://www.youngharmony.com/

Mark Lanier, Soloist and songwriter: “That I’ve made it to 2012! Basically God has given me 55 years. Memories, blessings, desires of my heart, someone to love and be loved by!” http://www.marklanierministries.com/

Susan Peck Jackson of Karen Peck and New River

Susan Peck Jackson of Karen Peck and New River: “I am thankful that God has blessed me with a wonderful family, great friends, and a chance to share the love of Jesus.” http://www.karenpeckandnewriver.com/


Soloist Ed Crawford of Nashville, Tennessee: “I’m thankful for a loving God that gives us the opportunity of choices. Also, I’m so very thankful for the talent He has given me  and the desire to be His servant.” http://edcrawfordministries.com/


Gus Gaches of Legacy Five: “I am thankful for God’s provision, and for the blessing of family!” http://www.legacyfive.com/

Legacy Five

Rusty Golden, Songwriter: “Other than the awesome power of God and His many blessings on me, I’m thankful for: My family, friends and the gift of music that continues to touch people years after they were hits on the radio.” http://www.facebook.com/rusty.golden1

Greater Vision

Rodney Griffin of Greater Vision: “I’m thankful to have been in the same group for 19 years. Hard to believe!” http://greatervisionmusic.com/

Dusty Wells, Sales and Marketing, Word Entertainment: “What a great year 2012 has been! I am most thankful that God has taken me to a new place in Him this year, a place of refuge and strength. This year has been pivotal to me in regards to finally just sitting still and listening for His amazing voice to speak. And He has! So excited to see what 2013 has in store for all of us.” http://www.facebook.com/dusty.wells.50

Dusty Wells


At SGM Radio, we concur with the sentiments of all of our contributors, as we are thankful to God for all of His good and perfect gifts, His protection and guidance. We echo the words of Dusty Wells, in that we are all, “So excited to see what 2013 has in store for all of us!”

Happy Thanksgiving!

Please take the time and find the artists mentioned above on the web and on Facebook. Thank them for their contributions here and to all our lives through the music they share with us.  

By Lorraine Walker

Raised in southern Ontario, Canada, Lorraine developed a love for music at an early age and enjoys listening to a variety of Christian, Country, Pop and R&B music. A love for writing and a need to share the love of Jesus through her thoughts have come together with an enjoyment of Southern Gospel, enabling her to contribute to SGM Radio website, SGN Scoops Digital, and the Southern Styles Show. Lorraine tweets at http://twitter.com/SGMRadioLorrain and blogs at http://sgmradio.blogspot.com/ and can also be found on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/walker.lorraine