• Wed. Feb 19th, 2025

Everyday Life: August 2010 | Destined to Reign

Hey everyone!!  I hope that your summer has been filled with fun, laughter and just awesome!!  I know that I’m totally enjoying the long daylight hours along with the moon and starlit skies.  Summer days just have a way of making us smile!  Well, school starts for most of us this month so it’s back to the crazy schedules once again! It’s back to the everyday life of school, piano lessons, PTO meetings(I was elected treasurer again!), school activities, classroom parties and all that good stuff! The start of school is only a few weeks away and you all know that I can’t wait! We are all going to be out at the stores trying to find those perfect clothes, shoes, schoolbags, accessories and all that good stuff for our kids!  If your kids are like my Cayden, then they love to shop!  My Cayden is so picky about his clothes but I just can’t imagine where he gets it from!!  With that said, I hope you all have an awesome start to your school year with your children!

Did you know that you are Destined To Reign?!  As a matter of fact, each and every one of us are destined to reign in our everyday lives.  With that said, we all struggle with different circumstances that can overwhelm us at times, as well as make us analyze our actions and ourselves as individuals.  We then at times, begin to believe that what we are doing is going to hinder us from receiving God’s blessings.  It’s true, we must walk as Christ like daily as we possibly can, but we are His children and He loves us unconditionally.  God will continue to bless us throughout our trials as well as our own mistakes.  Jesus died on the cross for us so that we can have everlasting life with Him in heaven, as well as an abundant life while we are here on this earth.

‘Destined To Reign’ are powerful words spoken by the amazing preacher and teacher, Joseph Prince!  If you have not heard Joseph Prince speak, please take the time.  You will truly be blessed by his anointing words from God!  I love to say the words ‘destined to reign’ and when I say them, I mean them!  Life has a way of taking us away from our daily prayers and reading of scriptures a well as making us feel like we are not ‘good enough’ to reign over our own lives.  Joseph Prince also tells us that the secret of reigning in life lies therefore with receiving everything that Jesus has accomplished for us on the cross!  Powerful??!!

God created each one of us to be destined to reign over our finances, marriages and more.  God has called us to be the head and not the tail!  It doesn’t matter what you have done in your life, where you have been, if you don’t read your Bible enough or whatever other reasons you believe you are not good enough to reign in your life.  You are a child of the King and nothing else matters.  Jesus went to the cross for our sins and we are made righteous by that.  We are sinners not because we sin but because of Adam’s sin.  We have to dig deep into the Bible and truly understand the words so we can live our destined lives.

It’s not always easy to feel like we are destined to reign in our everyday lives, but we are.  We have to speak it, believe it and know it.  We have to stay positive, focused and walk in the ways of the Lord daily to enhance our relationship with the Lord.  You will be amazed at the abundance of blessings that will come your way.  When you are having a moment during your day or you’ve had a bad day, make sure you take the time to say these words ‘I am Destined To Reign’ and say these words with meaning and power.  We must take back all that the enemy has stolen from us and more!  It’s your time to live your life to the fullest!  You are Destined To Reign!!

The Bible very clearly states that we are to reign in our lives through Jesus Christ by just receiving two things from Him: the abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness!  Wow!  How powerful is that?!  I hope that you received some encouragement out of this today!  If you would like to learn more about Joseph Prince Ministries, you can check out his website at http://www.josephprince.org/.  You can also find his book ‘Destined to Reign’ at Christian bookstores as well as online!  Be Blessed!

Many Blessings!!


undefinedWhen I was a little girl, I had a pink and white bedroom set that had bedposts and I would use the posts as my microphone and sing for my brother; he was my first audience! I took piano lessons for years (thank you mother!) and totally enjoyed it. I look back now and it is amazing to see that even then, the Lord was preparing me. Growing up in a Christian home, I was blessed to have a mother who prayed for me every day. We were in church every time the doors were open and would sing our hearts out. I know that somebody did some praying for me and it was my mother; my prayer warrior.

I have a very handsome, talented, smart and totally amazing son, Cayden. He is nine years old and my little man! He is a merit student at school (he has been throughout his entire school days)! Cayden takes piano lessons weekly, along with voice lessons. He is my little angel from heaven! Cayden is totally cool and is following in my musical footsteps not to mention he has the biggest heart and is such a little caretaker! I have an awesome mother, who is my angel here on earth and I love her so very much! I have one brother, Daniel, who lives in South Dakota with his two little girls that I miss so much! God has continued to bless me throughout my days here on earth and what a journey!

I spent a few years singing with my parents at different churches and it was an awesome experience. I started to learn so much more about what it truly meant to sing for the Lord! After that, I took my own paths (some of which should have been less traveled), but my mother never stopped praying for me! I always knew the Lord had a purpose for me; that my calling was with Him, but I had to be patient.

I sang with another group that still included my parents for a few years and we had the opportunity to record and have our own cd projects. I am very grateful for that experience.

Since then God has given me the opportunity to move forward with my own music ministry along with my writing ministry. My son Cayden is also singing with me, along with singing on his own and playing the piano! I am Blessed beyond measure to have the opportunity to sing with my son and to have him be such an amazing piano player. I am very grateful to the Lord for giving me the gifts and talents that I have so I can share them with others and spread tHis Gospel through my music and writing!

Interesting facts about Christina (that’s me!)

Favorite Colors: Black, Pink, Red (yes…3…I couldn’t pick just 1!)

Favorite Foods: Lobster, Pasta, Shrimp, Chicken

Favorite Bible Verse (s): Luke 23:33 and 23:33-43 (The Seven Last Sayings of Christ)

Favorite song(s): Still Holdin’ On and Through The Fire by Jason Crabb IF That Isn’t Love by Elvis and I’ve Got Confidence by Elvis (this is a very old song about Job)!

Hobbies: Playing piano, singing, writing, helping others, antiques, learning cool facts with my son about music composers, reading and playing piano with my nine year old son! He is so amazing on the piano! I also love to watch my son cook and bake…he is such a little chef! My Cayden and I are total fashion gurus! Oh and did I mention that I totally love to shop?!! Ok…like none of you knew that!!

By SGM Radio

SGM Radio is southern gospel music's #1 internet radio station. Every month, we feature the voices of dynamic writers on a variety of Christian worldview topics. Every day, we play the best and brightest in southern gospel at www.sgmradio.com