• Wed. Feb 19th, 2025

I have a theory: 1000 years after the universe comes to an end, somewhere and somehow, there WILL be road construction continuing what it started.

…it HAS to be true!…

…they HAVE to be paid by the hour…

Well, Nashville has been under a tough spell for the last month. You never know what it ACTUALLY feels like until it happens to you. My home is fine but, many homes are not. PLEASE, continue to pray for those who were fine one minute then suddenly homeless.

Many still have mortgages on homes that are no longer in existence. Banks are only paying $19,000.00 toward mortgages. So, if you have a $300,000.00 house, no house now and $250.000.00 left???…well, you can do the math.

You know, the Gulf spill is a bad situation… the bomb scares in New York were bad situations BUT, who died? …ok, I’m off of my soap box.

If you’d like to help, you can by going here: http://www.DonateNashville.org

Now, I have Monster Quest (History Channel) on in the background. If any of you find, meet, accidentally hit, kill, shake hands with, have dinner with or stumble across a “Bigfoot”, will you PLEASE get it on camera and take the body somewhere that can FINALLY end this crazy debate?! THANK YOU!

I’ve never had an encounter but, I know many people have. Now, I’ve known a few people that could pass as Bigfoot… I’m sure there will be some “sightings” on beaches EVERYWHERE in the world this year but, that’s none of my business.

Of course, those people should save money on sunscreen. …I know I won’t. I call my sunscreen “a body suit in a bottle.”

I probably won’t do much “beaching” this year. I don’t really need to go to a beach to “get sun.” I’ll just put my body suit in a bottle on while sitting in traffic…waiting on road construction to complete.

I probably need to get a sandwich before I get on the interstate.

I’ll need food after a while.

Speaking of food, I think I’ll fry me an egg.


Born and raised in small town Raiford, FL, Josh Singletary had an interest in music since day one.  He began his life long study of music, with focus on the piano, at age 6 and has been singing just as long.  Age 7 he began his relationship with the Lord.

In March of 2001, Josh moved to Nashville, TN to be pianist for The Wilburns.  He remained until the retirement of Jackie and Elaine Wilburn.  In 2006 he, Wilburn alumni, Gary Casto and Arkansas native, Dennis Dugger started the award winning Tribute Quartet.

Josh currently resides in Nashville, TN…well, actually Hermitage.  BUT, not THE Hermitage, because they don’t let people live there anymore – (without purchasing a ticket)…it’s President Andrew Jackson’s home.  If you don’t know what I’m talking about, go here: www.thehermitage.com… that’s all.

By SGM Radio

SGM Radio is southern gospel music's #1 internet radio station. Every month, we feature the voices of dynamic writers on a variety of Christian worldview topics. Every day, we play the best and brightest in southern gospel at www.sgmradio.com