• Wed. Jan 22nd, 2025

By Brenda Denney

Remember that chorus we use to sing in church goes like this,

Have Faith In God, Have Faith In God, Have Faith In God For The Answer, Have Faith In God.

I think there are a lot of people that need to hear those words today. In our world, our church, our lives we are seeing so many people that are facing situations that they have never faced before. People are losing jobs, homes, & so much more and they do not know what to do. I believe that a lot of people have put Faith & Trust in friends, doctors, jobs, pastors, family, and anyone else that they can tell their problems to instead of placing their Faith in God.  Our world is facing things that we cannot believe and by the looks of things it is not going to get any better.  I believe that God is allowing something’s to happen so that we will get back to believing in him and relying on him for what we need. There are so many that have allowed their happiness to depend on a job, or a house, or material items. Your happiness must be in him. He is all we need.  There is Peace with him. There is Joy with him. There is Rest with him. There is Satisfaction with him.

I think back to another song we use to sing in church and it goes like this, Only Jesus Can Satisfy Your Soul. Oh wow… remember that one?  I urge you today to lean on him with all your cares. He cares about you and what is going on in your life. Be encouraged in the Lord. Do not fret. Do not worry. Do not be afraid. Do not weep.

I believe that we are about to see a revival hit our churches like never before.  I am talking about being in his presence, seeking his face, longing for him & waiting upon the Lord for what we need.  He has missed that. He longs for us to long for him.

I encourage you to turn the TV off. Turn the computer off. Turn off the world and lay before him and seek him. Tell him that you love him. Tell him that you need him. Tell him that you Have Faith In Him and Only Him.

Be encouraged today. You are loved. You are special and he knows what you need. Have Faith.

Until next time, keep looking up. The time is drawing near…


Brenda Denney ~ 2nd Generation

By SGM Radio

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